
Fireside with Intern Oli Endashaw

August 14, 2024 - HighGround was pleased to have four interns with us this summer. We recently sat down, fireside, to learn more about our Information Systems intern, Oli Endashaw, and his experience working at HighGround.

Where are you from? What school do you attend, and what are you studying?

I’ve been in America since 2007. My parents moved from Ethiopia to Fort Wayne, Indiana so that my dad could pursue a PhD in theology and to provide more opportunities for my sisters and me. My family moved to the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas in 2015. I just finished up some coursework at Collin College, and I’ll be attending the University of North Texas in the fall to study cybersecurity.

What brought you to HighGround?

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church is a client of HighGround’s. My dad is the founder of Multi-Ethnic Ministry of North Texas, which ministers to refugees and immigrants, and which hosts worship services at Our Redeemer Lutheran. Jennifer Babisak, [HighGround Associate General Counsel], attends the church, as well. My dad mentioned to her in passing that I was looking for an internship, and this opportunity opened up. I sent Jennifer my resume and a couple of weeks later, I had my first interview.

I eventually interviewed with [HighGround Director of Information Systems and Security] Nicole Nanson and [HighGround Information Systems and Security Coordinator] Bert Clark. They not only got to know me on a personal level, but they also gave me career advice and asked how they could help me, which was totally unexpected. I think that was the first sign that HighGround could be the place where I could hone my skills and develop more than I ever thought I could. That interview made me understand that this is an opportunity that has been put in front of me, and I need to make the most out of it. I decided to come to HighGround as a sponge and absorb as much as I can. In that interview, I let Nicole and Bert know what I was looking for – that I wanted to grow in my knowledge of cybersecurity but also professionally. I definitely feel I’ve been able to achieve that here.

What all did you do in your time here?

I’ve been in the office on Mondays and Wednesdays for about 5 weeks. My role here was basically to shadow Bert and Nicole. I was also given my own tasks and projects to work on while here. One project was to create a guide for how to use Artificial Intelligence, specifically Microsoft Copilot. I just finished that last Friday. I’ve also worked with my fellow intern Dakota Qualls to create a Windows 11 guide, a how-to for the HighGround team.

I shadowed Bert for learning sessions. As he was working, he’d explain what he was doing, and I’d interject with questions. I got to sit in on meetings Nicole had with our managed services provider and with senior leadership, and I got to see how those meetings were conducted and how senior leadership discusses IS-related topics.

What have you learned in your time here? What’s been your biggest takeaway?

I came in here not knowing a lot about cybersecurity, but I had that initial interest. I’m leaving here with a good foundational knowledge of networking and IP protocols. Nicole and Bert gave me good information about what to focus on as I continue to learn – the things that I’ll need to know no matter what role I have in IT.  This will help me as I select future classes.

The interns were each asked to share a summary of our internship experience to the HighGround team, so I learned to present. Sometimes you have to throw yourself into the fire to know what you’re made of. Going into that presentation, I was never much of a public speaker. I had always shied away from it. But I had never really put myself in that position to know if I’d be good or not. I learned you sometimes have to do things you’re uncomfortable with, take risks and challenges, to know what you’re capable of.

What is a favorite moment from your time at HighGround?

That presentation to the HighGround team. It was a lesson in building confidence in yourself, in realizing that if you do put yourself in the fire, you might surprise yourself. Going forward, I’ll be taking more risks and realizing that with great risks, sometimes comes great reward.

We focus on strengths at HighGround and utilize the CliftonStrengths assessment. What are your top five strengths?

Mine are Empathy, Restorative, Consistency, Responsibility, and Adaptability.

Empathy resonated with me. I feel like, growing up, that was instilled in me through certain lessons my dad would teach me. My parents would always emphasize how important integrity was and treating others how you want to be treated. It was also instilled through experience. When your parents come over from another country, where everything is new to them – the way of life, the culture – and they have a family to provide for, they are busy trying to give you a good life and a safe environment. Through no fault of their own, maybe they don’t always have the time to hear you out or validate your feelings, so you realize what that can feel like. So, I sometimes go out of my way to make sure others are heard and to put myself in their shoes and understand where they’re coming from. That and the life lessons my dad instilled in me about integrity and honor are why I seek to be empathetic toward others.

Which of the HighGround core values resonates most deeply with you and why?

Integrity. Not only because of those life experiences and lessons from my father, but also because of what I learned at HighGround. Within the first week of being here, we discussed how important ethics and integrity are as security professional. You are given the keys to the kingdom, and you can abuse it. You have to have the integrity to do your job well.

How do you like to spend your time? What are your hobbies or passions?

I love spending time with family and friends. I’m into fashion and clothing. I try to put my best foot forward to look fashionable, whatever the occasion is. It’s something that brings a smile to my face and puts a certain level of confidence in you. I love to exercise. Health is something I’ve been trying to level up in terms of importance in my life – the way I diet and cook. Investing in my health will help me to better myself in other areas of my life. I love to play basketball, which ties in with exercise. As I’m getting older, I’m realizing how important cardio is. Playing basketball also ties into the quality time with friends - having those talks and sharing those memories. That’s something I love doing.

What does the future hold for you?

I’m heading to UNT in the fall to get a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity, so a lot of learning, for sure. A lot of using that Adaptability strength while being in a new area, building new friendships, and creating new experiences. A lot of excitement. So, in the short-term, focusing on schoolwork and trying the best I can. Eventually, I’d like a career in the field. Depending on whether I determine I need it or not, I might pursue a master’s degree.